To Thine Own Self Be True
Hamlet, William Shakespeare
Years ago, a desire sprouted in me to reach out to young girls about 10-12 and introduce creative ways they can find their voice in this loud world of how we "should and shouldn't" be. I wanted them to discover an appreciation and understanding of who they are so that they can stand tall and not doubt their worth.
I am surrounded by stories I hear about our youth today. Young children who are bullied by how their body looks, teens who feel so alone that their life feels meaningless. Smiles plastered on but underneath there is a deep yearning to be truly seen, to be understood.
As this passion has boldly unfolded over the years and my own children are reaching pre-teen and teenage years, I know that there is a great need for us parents to dig deeper into what we can do for our youth today!
And like many things I find in life, there are layers to this journey. This work of SEEING our children for their infinitely unique selves is partnered with our own unmasking to be seen too...perhaps for the first time.
If you are feeling that knowing pull ... I want to invite you to take your assessments and set up a time to talk over your strengths reports.